‘Orange State’ – Short and Sweet, Boiled Down, Cut to The Bone, and In a Nutshell:
Orange State Cannabis is a Tier III producer/processor located up here in beautiful Elk(‘sterdam’), just north of Spokane. Almost all of our canopy is outdoor, sun-grown and pesticide free. We also run a small indoor (Tier1-size) grow for long finish-time, land-race, and other unique as well as high-demand strains. The growing tradition around here goes way back – is it because of our intense sunshine, our perfectly mineralized well water, minimal pests, or even our proximity to locally sourced soil ingredients? Not sure, but we do know that when you combine those ingredients with hardworking and knowledgeable partner/owners, a diverse workforce, continuous reinvestment, and no outside investors or debt, you end up with world class weed that is here to stay!

Our products are Bud in standard and custom order sizes, 1 gram Joints packaged single or two to a tube, and Shake bags (that we call STP ‘cuz we use Shake, Trim and Popcorn buds!).
Orange State Cannabis – Growing Smiles since 2013!